We are Linkedist!
Our expertise in LinkedIn allows us to advise you on marketing your personal brand, company brand,
advertising solutions, or content creation for future opportunities.
Year we started
Clients we've helped succeed
Cups of coffee daily
”Working with the Linkedist team has been a game-changer for the VU Business School’s LinkedIn profile. Their strategic approach to content and sharp analytical skills fuel our growth while authentically capturing our brand’s voice. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to elevate their LinkedIn profile.”
- Sandra Gabrielė Vileito
CMO at Vilnius University Business School
”Thanks to Linkedist data-driven approach,
backed by deep knowledge and experience
in building a personal brand! I landed with business opportunities, and was invited as a guest and paid speaker to several large
online events.”
- Leon van der Laan
Founder & Consultant at Remode
”Linkedist deeply understands LinkedIn and how it helps businesses achieve their goals. I strongly recommend Linkedist to any company looking to maximize the potential of LinkedIn and achieve tremendous success in their sales and
marketing efforts.”
- Gražvydas Kaminskas
CMO at NFQ & valantic LT